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TrueNorth Educational Cooperative 804

Committed to the Possibilities in Every Learner, Every Day.

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Viewing 1 - 1 of 1 course found matching your search criteria.
860 courses total.

Thinking Collaborative: Adaptive Schools 23-24
Offered By : TrueNorth Educational Cooperative 804

Course ID : 58922

The training not only explores what makes teams effective, but how to develop skills as facilitators and informed group members in informal and formal settings, in small and large groups. It takes participants beyond the idea of professional learning communities to the actual implementation, describing specific ways to weave the collaborative fabric of a faculty, develop group member skills, and acquire the principles and understandings to engage in a continuous cycle of team and individual

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Cultivating Shared Leadership in Educators Teamwork and Collaboration
Credits Available
24.00 Occupational Therapy IDFPR CEUs
24.00 Physical Therapy IDFPR CEUs
24.00 SLP/ Audiology IDFPR CEUs
24.00 Registered Social Worker IDFPR CEUs
24.00 ISBE (PEL) ELIS Hours
24.00 TrueNorth Attendance; No Professional Credits
6.00 Administrative Academy credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (0 of 7 total)
All sections occur in the past.

Viewing 1 - 1 of 1 course found matching your search criteria.
860 courses total.