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TrueNorth Educational Cooperative 804

Committed to the Possibilities in Every Learner, Every Day.

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RULER: Training Series for Early Childhood
Offered By : TrueNorth Educational Cooperative 804

Course ID : 58995

Participants will learn about RULER, the evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning (SEL) developed at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. RULER supports school communities in understanding the value of emotions and help create and maintain positive school climates. Participants will read Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett and engage in a book study to reflect on their own emotions and explore the research behind RULER. Participants will also engage in modules 1-4 of th

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Social Emotional Learning
Credits Available
9.00 Occupational Therapy IDFPR CEUs
9.00 Physical Therapy IDFPR CEUs
9.00 SLP/ Audiology IDFPR CEUs
9.00 Registered Social Worker IDFPR CEUs
9.00 ISBE (PEL) ELIS Hours
9.00 TrueNorth Attendance; No Professional Credits
No fee.
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